Park Ridge Library

We are requesting the employees responsible do their job in keeping books that are appropriate and not sexual in their nature for children.  We ask that the city Council and Mayor appoint members to the Library board that agree with that sentiment.  It is either that they are not reviewing the content and thus not doing their job, or are reviewing the content and lack judgement which disqualifies them for these roles.  We just invested $2.3M into this Library, we need to make sure the quality of the material in them is worthy of  the investment we have made, so our children can start learning again.

This is your opportunity to be heard, protect your children and take back your rights as a parent.  This takes a lot of work from several folks, but we are doing it for you so take advantage of the opportunity. If you want to respectfully let the board or the Library director know how you feel about the content at the Library, their emails are provided below:

Library Director: Joanna Bertucci


Attention: Upcoming Event!!